Why is Reading the Word of God so important?

Why is Reading the Word of God so important?

  • Genesis 1, John 1 – Power
    • God created the world with His spoken word.God’s word is powerful and contained in scripture, so we must read it.
  • 2 Timothy 3:16-17 – Profitability  
    • Scripture is the breathed out word of God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. We need to read the word, so we can be adequate and equipped for every good work.
  • Joshua 1:8 – Proximity
    • We are commanded not to let the book of the law depart from our mouths. We are to meditate on it day and night. We can then be careful to do everything written in it for the result of being prosperous and having success.
  • Colossians 3:16 – Passion
    • Word of God is to richly dwell in us, so we can passionately sing and admonish one another
  • Psalm 1 – Prosperity
    • We need to read the word, delight in it, meditate and night, and then whatever we do, we prosper
  • Psalm 119:9-11 – Purity
    • We need to read the word to keep pure
  • Ephesians 6:17 – Protection
    • We must put on the full armor for protection from the enemy, the devil, and the one offensive weapon we have is the sword, the Word of God.
  • Revelation 1:3 – Prophetic
    • The word contains prophesy and specifically in Revelation, it promises blessings.
  • John 17:17 – Purification
    • We are to read the word to be sanctified and obey God’s commandments
  • Romans 12:2 – “Pending
    • To renew our mind, to discern God’s will, and not be transformed to the world

Post by John and Brittany